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animal food 肉食。

“ every man who has ever been earnest to preserve his higher or poetic faculties in the best condition , has been particularly inclined to abstain from animal food . 我相信任何一個曾經認真維持自己的才能或是盡力保持詩人氣息的人,都一定曾經戒絕過肉食。

animal heat

In order to meet the market demand , at present our company is working on the research & development of animal food additive ( lycine , cyclopropylammoniazin etc . ) , we improve the process on the basis of the original food additive , mainly produce the high content and low residual lycine for medicine application and reach foreign trade grade 為了適應市場的需要,目前我公司致力于動物飼料添加劑(甜菜堿,環丙氨嗪等)的研究與生產,在原來作為飼料添加劑的基礎上進行工藝改進,主要生產高含量,低殘渣的醫藥用甜菜堿和外貿用甜菜堿。

Zoo animals manure - facture power in germany berlin reuters - animals at a munich zoo will create their own power supply from friday when their manure is recycled to generate heat and electricity . a biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants , rhinoceroses , buffaloes and antelopes , and any left - over animal food 據路透社12月13日報道,德國慕尼黑市一家動物園里的動物們將會從12月15日起在能源使用方面做到真正意義上的“自力更生” ,因為該動物園的管理者已經決定將動物糞便加以循環利用來產生熱能和電力。

In addition to this , even though he is only 3 years old and gets very tired following the lions around their one acre park , he is already famous as a lion tamer beacuse he appears in an ad for the circus , and is even being sought by a manufacturer to promote acid adapted specially for use in animal food 除此之外,雖然他還只有3歲,跟著獅子繞了圈方圓一英畝的場地之后總是累得夠嗆,他已經是一個很有名的馴獅員了,因為他為馬戲團做了一個廣告,現在甚至還有一個廠家找他幫助推銷酸性物質,一種特別適合做動物飼料的產品。

In addition to this , even though he is only 3 years old and gets very tired following the lions around their on acre park , he is already famous as a lion tamer because he appears in an ad for the circus , and is even being sought by a manufacturer to promote acid adapted specially for use in animal food 除此之外,雖然他還只有3歲,跟著獅子繞了一圈方圓一英畝的場地之后總是累得夠嗆,他已經是一個很有名的馴獅員了,因為他為馬戲團做了一個廣告,現在甚至還有一個廠家找他幫助推銷酸性物質,一種特別適合作為動物飼料的產品。

However , most scientists agree that lean meats , low fat dairy products , eggs and fish are all valuable components of a balanced diet partly because animal foods are particularly rich sources of some essential nutrients such as protein , iron , zinc and the zoochemicals 然而,大多數科學家還是認為瘦肉低脂乳制品蛋類和魚都是平衡膳食中很有價值的成分,部分是因為動物性食品富含人類必需的許多營養素,如蛋白質鐵鋅和“動物性化學物” 。

Dr . ann wigmore , founder of the hippocrate health institute , pointed out that malnutrition and excessive intake of chemicals contained in animal food are the cause for the high proportion of blind pets . so be cautious when choosing food for your beloved pets 希波克拉第健康中心創辦人安威格摩爾博士,認為因為營養不良以及吃過多含化學藥品的食物,導致目前高比例的家飼動物患盲癥為了心愛的寵物,你必須慎選飼食。

Carbohydrate , protein and fat which , are needed in much larger amounts are described as macronutrients . animal foods tend to be excellent sources of some minerals and vitamins , particularly iron , zinc , iodine , vitamins a and d , and some of the b vitamins 碳水化合物蛋白質和脂肪的需要量要大得多,稱為宏量營養素動物性食品是某些礦物質和維生素,尤其是鐵鋅碘維生素a和維生素d以及某些b組維生素的重要來源。

There are increasing levels of interest amongst scientists in other substances found in animal foods which are not essential and are therefore not classified as nutrients , but which do seem to offer specific , additional health benefits 科學家們對動物性食品中一些本來不重要甚至還沒有被定為營養素但好象又確實能夠提供特殊健康效應的物質的興趣不斷增加。

Evidence is mounting that the healthiest diets are loaded with plant foods vegetables , fruits and beans and short on animal foods meat , fish , poultry and dairy products , especially those with a high fat content 證據顯示最健康的飲食是來自于植物性食物如蔬菜水果和豆類,而很少來自于動物性食物如肉類魚禽類和乳制品,特別是高脂肪食物更是不宜。

In this article , the influence of factors related to different levels ( seg , provincial , county and household ) on the proportion of protein intake from animal food was evaluated by using multi - level modeling 以中國8省人口、經濟與營養健康調查的資料為例,利用多水平模型探討了在平衡個人因素后省、縣、家庭三個水平上的因素對動物蛋白攝入比例的影響。

As of december 12 , 2003 , the fda must be electronically notified in advance of any shipments of human food and animal food imported into , or transiting the u . s . , unless the food is excluded from prior notice 從2003年11月12日起,進口到美國或經美國轉運的人和動物食品都需要電子設備預先通知fda ,除非適用于fda法規下的免責條款。

Before leaving the wizarding part of the potter universe and looking more closely at the muggles ' eating and drinking habits , there are two more categories worth mentioning : animal food and ghost food 在離開哈利世界中巫師飲食部分去看看麻瓜的飲食習慣前,還有兩件事值得一提:動物的飲食和鬼魂的飲食。

Plant is one of main sources of human nutrition . however , iron content in plant food is very low and its efficiency of assimilation is not as high as that of animal food 植物是人類營養的主要來源之一,但由于植物性食品鐵含量低且存在不易被人體吸收等問題,使得人類鐵營養主要依賴于動物性食品。

Any of various fat - soluble or water - soluble organic substances essential in minute amounts for normal growth and activity of the body and obtained naturally from plant and animal foods 維生素各種脂溶性或水溶性生命物質之一,少量的這種物質對生命體的生長和活動至關重要,通常從植物食物中取得

A biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants , rhinoceroses , buffaloes and antelopes , and any left - over animal food 這家動物園已經在園內建好了一座沼氣發電廠,而其所用的燃料則包括大象、犀牛、水牛和羚羊等動物的糞便,以及任何動物吃剩的食物。

A biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants , rhinoceroses , buffaloes and antelopes , and any left - over animal food 這家動物園已經在園內建好了一座沼氣發電廠,而其所用的燃料則包括大象犀牛水牛和羚羊等動物的糞便,以及任何動物吃剩的食物。

Reduce consumption of animal foods . high - protein foods raise brain levels of dopamine17 ) and norepinephrine18 ) , both of which are related to higher levels of anxiety and stress 減少食用動物性食品。高蛋白食物會提升大腦中多巴胺和降腎上腺素的含量,而這兩者都與焦慮和壓力的產生有關。

If the use of animal food be , in consequence , subversive to the peace of human society , how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims 如果吃肉的結果是會危害人類社會的和平,對那些因此而受遭殃的受難者是多么不公平與殘暴啊。